How to motivate employees? – Alessandro Rocco Pietrocola

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Why employee motivation is important

It helps increase profitability

Motivated employees are more productive. Some studies show that companies, which highly value and encourage their people, show about 4x revenue growth.  If you empower your employees, they will achieve more for themselves and your company.

It boosts creativity

Motivated people are more creative, they think out of the box and suggest more efficient and innovative solutions to different problems. Motivation is the best way to make people allocate efforts and generate creative ideas.

How to motivate teamHow to motivate team

Motivated employees are more loyal

Many people say that lack of motivation is one of the most contributing factors to quitting their jobs. If you provide only a steady paycheck, you can’t keep the best talents for long. Any employee needs a reason to put in his best work and it doesn’t matter whether it is personal or financial. When people see that they are important, they are more motivated and do their job better.

How to motivate employees

Show support

Every employee is facing challenges and sometimes can feel overwhelmed. Ask your employees how they are doing and give them all the support they need to do the job. Accepting feedback from your employees will motivate them and consequently help your company grow. True motivation comes when people feel listened to.

How to motivate teamHow to motivate team

Offer flexibility

If possible, offer flexible scheduling to your team. Some people have more energy in the morning, they can come at 8 a.m. and finish at 4 p.m. Others work better in the afternoon, so they can start work at 11 a.m. and stay up late, for example.

If you give your employees a flexible schedule, they will be able to start work when their motivation and productivity are at the highest. That is very good for them and your business.

Offer rewards

Most managers offer rewards at the end of a big project or at the end of the year. However, you can reward an employee for his achievements and dedication at any time. It doesn’t have to be money, you can give him an option to leave early or have an extra day off. Think about what your team member needs and come up with the best reward for him.

Give your employees growth opportunities

If your employees have plenty of opportunities to grow, they have more motivation to do their job. Offer them training in new skills, give them an opportunity to work in a different department or assign a small task, which is outside of their regular skillset. It is one of the easiest ways to keep your employees motivated.

How to motivate teamHow to motivate team

Take breaks                                                            

Regular breaks help your employees relax, refuel and stay motivated. Even a short 5-minutes break will let them unwind. Moreover, the best ideas often come to mind during a break. For example, your employees can discuss something in the break room and suddenly come up with a solution to an old problem. During a big project, make such breaks mandatory. It will keep your employees motivated and help them de-stress.

Give your team autonomy

Don’t control every move of your team, just give them a task and a deadline. Then step back and let them do the job. Giving your employees freedom like this shows them that you trust their abilities. It helps them feel more motivated.

 Be clear about your expectations

If you want to improve your employees’ motivation, always define your expectations. Don’t give them a hundred details. Be clear about what you want to be done and what steps you want them to take.  When the task is clear, your team is not confused but motivated to start working right away.

How to motivate teamHow to motivate team

Celebrate achievements

When your team have done a great job, take time and celebrate their achievements. It doesn’t have to be something big, it can be even some small achievement. Always recognize the hard work and great results of your team. When you celebrate, don’t forget to mention a specific reason and thank your employees. It will help them see that their efforts are appreciated and keep them motivated.

Provide a fair, equitable and inclusive workspace

A fair, equitable and inclusive workspace makes employees more motivated. Make sure that there is no discrimination based on sex or race in your company and all your employees of the same background and experience get the same amount of money. Always take discrimination complaints seriously and do a thorough investigation. If an investigation shows that discrimination actually happened, act accordingly. Find a solution to every problem before it becomes severe.

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